If it's prosecuted. It better be.
The C-in-C can change the method of execution for a conviction. The recent changes in UCMJ didnt have that or the change you refer to.
Might not be a crime for her, only for the leakers. Obamapeople.
Has that EVER happened? Dont think its classified if she has it, she has no clearance.
Nice golf course there, that's where he's going. Sentosa GC.
No BOOM today, Bud, you can go back to making memes.
She's not a leaker. She's civilian with no clearance.
How about quoting the Amendment cited? Too lengthy? Dont compare your learning with mine, that would be embarrassing. Duh.
I also fucked your mom. Boring.
Im not aware of that law. Journalists are usually immune, unless there's some kind of criminal conspiracy, but I dont see that if she only published.
We dont even need trade if we lock out the illegals and bring our businesses back, plus new ones.