Nice projection, division shillbot
>That's bullshit. Gab is the only true free speech social media platform there is, and that's why Jews hate.
Cringe 'reaction' anon.
Gab isn't free speech, it's say anything you want but it will be suppressed and shadowbanned if it goes outside the division between religions logic.
Oh sure, free speech my ass, it's writing into a void of mossafd's mental disorder.
>Unity against the Jewish menace
Nice dialectic inversion oxymoron, division shill faggot.
You're seeking to destroy unity.
We see you every time you low IQ fucks post, FYI.
>Christ came to bring a sword, not peace
Nice dialectic inversion to smear Christianity as 'iNhErEnTlY ViOLEnT', shillbot.
Seethe again.
The current year is 2022, panicbot.
35-38- Finally, Jesus spoke of the new situation. Formerly, when the Disciples had gone out, on mission, they had not lacked anything. Now they would need a purse, a bag and even a sword. The saying is heavily ironical, for Jesus knew that now He would have to face universal opposition and be put to death. But the disciples misunderstood Him and produced weapons. 'That is enough', said Jesus to end a conversation which they had failed to understand. The way of Jesus, as they should have known, was not the way of the sword, but of love
D.Guthrie, J.A. Motyer, A.M. Stibbs, D.J Wiseman, The New Bible Commentary: Revised Third Edition Guideposts, Carmel New York. p 921 in reference to Luke 22:35-38
IDGAF what years you're introducing as a means to smear and slander anyone living today.
Christianity, like Islam, like Judaism, are all inherently peaceful.
It's the satanic code of division that is responsible for false notions that there 'is' division between 'god fearing' religions.
Seethe again, panicbot.
>IDGAF what years you're introducing as a means to smear and slander anyone living today.
>Christianity, like Islam, like Judaism, are all inherently peaceful.
>It's the satanic code of division that is responsible for false notions that there 'is' division between 'god fearing' religions.
>Seethe again, panicbot
Guess I was right then.
Christianity is inherently peaceful, as are Judaism and Islam.
Worship satan's division code or you're smeared/killed.
Projecting witch.
>Smearing Christianity
It was a cringe effort, and failed.
We are not chained to history, mind slave.
Anons are future thinking.
Seethe again!
Judaism is inherently peaceful.
Demons infiltrating any religion is not a definition or reality of that religion, division shillbot.
Seethe again!
They can only squirm, can't they
Copypasta seething,kek out of ammo