>>16399712 @DevinNunes: How much will Dem Mules pay for these 4 CA ballots?
>>16399712 @DevinNunes: How much will Dem Mules pay for these 4 CA ballots?
“Nancy Pelosi called out of the blue on my cell phone and said, ‘I’m Nancy Pelosi, and I want to make an appointment.’ Before she came into my dad’s clinic, a bunch of security came in and checked everywhere. Then Nancy Pelosi came in with a big smile, and sat down. Nancy Pelosi said ‘I had to come here because my son and my husband come here every day, so I want to know the reason why they’re coming.’ Nancy Pelosi turned her head looking straight at me as she finished saying that. Then she came every day, from opening to closing time of my dad’s clinic while security waits outside. Sometimes, they would block off the street, and that extended to over a year. Nancy Pelosi would spend the entire afternoon in our bathroom with the fan on making ongoing calls yelling on the phone, and other days she would sit in the waiting area all day and make all-day calls. Nancy Pelosi stopped coming to my dad’s clinic after (executive board member of Golden State Warriors’ ownership group) [Craig Johnson’s wife] found out Nancy Pelosi’s coming every day, and started coming to my dad’s clinic every day to yell at Nancy Pelosi over some agenda issues affecting her husband’s business. Another patron named Andrew told us that Nancy Pelosi tried to avoid that and did not come back after the scolding from [Craig Johnson’s wife]. We all thought it was weird how Nancy Pelosi would have news all over about her patronizing one Union Street Beauty Salon for her hair, yet no one ever talked about Nancy Pelosi patronizing my dad’s clinic every single day, all day, for over a year, before and during her first term as House Speaker. Sometimes we would wonder how she runs her job as House Speaker every day just being at our place making calls all day,” Feng stated.
Edward Feng was arrested in 2011 at the age of 81 for introducing misbranded drugs into interstate commerce, following an FDA sting focused on his sale of traditional Chinese healing tablets for common colds. The main witness in the case claimed that Edward Feng’s tablets caused her an earache and hand-swelling (which Edward Feng denied was caused by the tablets) and claimed that her son, a cancer patient, suffered foot pain from Edward Feng’s foot acupuncture treatment. Karena Feng said that she witnessed Paul Pelosi Jr. speaking to the witness in the case shortly before the arrest.
“She never stepped into our clinic. She was just outside. Right before my dad got arrested, I saw her speaking outside of the clinic with Paul for hours” while her son got treated, Karena Feng said of the witness in the case.
Although the charges against Edward Feng were dismissed without an indictment, the publicized arrest took a toll on him emotionally and his health declined.
“After my dad suddenly died, Paul showed up in the San Francisco General Hospital every day, while I overheard one female doctor in the ICU telling the staff to not wake my dad up and let him die. She specifically said, ‘don’t wake him up,’” Karena Feng stated.
In 2015, Paul Pelosi Jr. demanded that Feng abort her baby, because he was not the father, even threatening Feng’s life. At the time, Feng and Pelosi Jr. were not in a romantic relationship. After Feng’s abortion, Pelosi Jr.’s own attempt to impregnate Feng by “appointment” was not successful.
“After my dad passed away, Paul insisted I abort my five months pregnancy or else he would take my life. I had three older children at the time I must take care of. So after ongoing daily threats from Paul Pelosi, Jr., I had no choice but to abort my precious child just to stay alive for my living children. Paul Pelosi, Jr. suddenly scolded me saying, ‘don’t you realize all these years, all that I’ve done for you is because I love you?’ I said I don’t believe it, you always bring different women and Nicole Bullock always tells me you’re her boyfriend. How can I believe you would love me and expect me to love someone who already loves someone else? Paul suddenly showed me his texts with Nicole Bullock, showing how Nicole was complaining about her boyfriend Andrew’s ‘clammy palms.’ Paul said the whole point of bringing other women was ‘a front so if you turn me down, I won’t get that embarrassed. The person that I ever loved is only you, and I want our relationship to be private.’”
“After that, Paul Pelosi, Jr. would regularly go on trips out of town, out of country. He would call me every day, and see me as soon as he returns.”
“Paul Pelosi, Jr. said he wanted me to have his child and no one else’s. Paul Pelosi, Jr. had been mad at me for having three children already. This time, he caught me while being pregnant, so he felt he must stop my pregnancy before I have another child that does not belong to him. I tried to tell his mother about what Paul Pelosi, Jr. forced me to do,” Feng stated, noting that she eventually gave up.