To jog his memory?
Oh Elon is interested how the gov was pressuring Twitter
To recap: last August, Twitter banned me after I got five strikes under its Covid-19 misinformation policy. Which meant I’d supposedly made “claims of fact” that were “demonstrably false or misleading” and “likely to impact public safety or cause serious harm” (that’s the policy, that’s what it takes to get a strike, look it up).
Now we come to find those tweets “should not have led to my suspension”?
Hey, everybody makes mistakes.
Not everybody’s mistakes lead to a worldwide series of defamatory articles like this one, though:
All in the past, though! The lil bird and I are now the best of friends.
And I can’t wait for Insider and NBC News and everyone else who drooled over my suspension in August 2021 and later to devote equal space to the fact that I’m back and Twitter’s admission it should not have banned me. Much more, actually, because this has NEVER happened before.
You know what it took Twitter to admit it shouldn’t have done what it did?
You do not, and I can’t tell you, because the statement is all I can say about the settlement.
Except I need to add one thing. The settlementdoes not end my investigation into the pressures that the governmentmay have placed on Twitter to suspend my account. I will have more to say on that issue in the near future. I made a promise to readers last month, and I take my promises to readers seriously.
Whoa this will be very good