Anonymous ID: 1933a3 July 7, 2022, 9:46 a.m. No.16658012   🗄️.is 🔗kun



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Thomas M Kelly

18 hours ago

The Speaker is responsible for security on capital hill. If Trump had sent in troops, they would be trying him for treason. And they know it. Make sure everyone else does too.

Joseph Kaplan

14 hours ago

I didn’t watch but it’s my guess that ivanka was promised an immediate trip to the lock up and never see her kids again if she didn’t say what she was told. We’re in Hitler/Stalin territory here now in this country.

Patty Villanova

11 hours ago

There was no other reason for her to betray her father.


18 hours ago

Crazy Liz and Loony Adam are the tip of the RINO iceberg. Mitch, Kevin, Pence & company wanted DJT out as much as Dems. GOP election officials went along with the fraud.

sid weiner

13 hours ago

If it were not for crooked politicians all long we wouldn't be where we are today!

Even going back over 100 years the politicians looked the other way,for the right price….. Washington gained more & more powers that were Constitutionally illegal & are still on the books to this day.

As the politicians continue to look the other way

The latest I have read on the net(The Income Tax Law(Amendment #16) was never ratified by enough states but was pushed thru anyway,as enough politicians looked the other way. Also,the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 may be illegal as the Congress had no Constitutional authority to create the bank!. the politicians In all of these cases Looked the other way

And the media covered for them & the voters never knew the truth!

HAL 8999

17 hours ago

If Wyoming re-elects Miss Piggy, it will be yet another sign that America's goose is cooked.


14 hours ago

Won't happen. She's way behind in the polls.

Joseph Kaplan

14 hours ago

So were all those in Ga primary but they won anyway

Thomas M Kelly

7 hours ago

It's not about who votes. It's about who counts the votes.

Morry Rotenberg

17 hours ago

The Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party is a cancer on the body politic.

William H McClure

17 hours ago

I have a different take on Thursday night. It reminded of the old Disney movie "The Song of the South". If you have never seen it, you won't understand. If you have seen it, you'll know that Trump is Brer Rabbit.


All the other characters were there, even Uncle Remus…

Patty Villanova

11 hours ago

Why was there no push back from the Republicans?