obelisk (n.)
"tapering rectangular stone column with a pyramidal apex," 1560s, from French obรฉlisque (16c.) and directly from Latin obeliscus "obelisk, small spit," from Greek obeliskos "small spit, obelisk, leg of a compass," diminutive of obelos "a spit, pointed pillar, needle, broach; obelisk; bar of metal used as a coin or weight," a word of uncertain origin; according to Beekes, "clearly Pre-Greek." In printing, "a sign resembling a small dagger" (1580s). In dictionaries it is used to mark obsolete words. Greek obelos also was "a mark used in writing; horizontal line used as a diacritic." Related: Obeliscal; obeliskine.
Entries linking to obelisk
obol (n.)
ancient Greek small coin and weight, 1660s, from Latin obolus, from Greek obolos, the name of a coin (sixth part of a drachme); identical with obelos "a spit, needle, broach; bar of metal used as a coin or weight" (see obelisk). So called from the original shape. Middle English had obolus as the name of a small measure of weight, also ob "halfpenny," from Latin ob., abbreviation of obolus.
House of Baal?
Maybe they plan to flood the earth
Watch the water
Weather warfare
Climate change
Think mirror
500,000,000/8,000,000,000 = 6.25%
Is this ajoke?
Maybe more tapes like the hefner tapes supposedly sunk in concrete box
Did trump turn their targeted population control dmigraphic on their heads?