>Sometimes I wonder how many of you pay attention the the small details.
Checked. but that kind of focused seeking drives people crazy, you start looking for meaning everywhere in everything and end up bent, mentally crippled. It's like Truman Show delusion & Matrix delusion, those movies psychologically broke some people.
A novel unproven claim needs to have grounds under which it can be disproven, this is how the authentic scientific method works, you can falsify, or fail to falsify. But "proving" a positive is impossible (which is why seeking proof is a never-ending trap). If you're only looking for positive proof you can manufacture it or fool yourself with congitive bias. Can Q be falsified? They created an early get-out by saying they post disinformation, which makes it harder. Like this with Q being both guards…
You comes across two doors, and each door has a guard. One door leads to certain Death. The other to paradise.
One guard always tells the truth, the other always tells lies.
You are allowed to ask one question only.
What question do you ask to gain entry to paradise? And why?
Ask one what the other will say is behind their door.
If A tells the truth then B tells the lie. If paradise is behind B then A will say that B will say that B leads to death. If death is behind B then A will say that B will say that B leads to paradise.
If A tells the lie then B tells the truth. If paradise is behind B then A will say that B will say that B leads to death. If death is behind B then A will say that B will say that B leads to paradise.
In all cases the door which is claimed to be paradise is the door to death and the door which is claimed to be death is the door to paradise.
>> https://thephilosophyforum.com/discussion/7867/one-always-lies-one-always-tells-the-truth
This is why some people went off the deep end, seeing 17's everywhere, or that every single thing in the news is code. It's not a good place to hold down a job, be active in your home community and raise a family.
The Q clock is freaky, but a super-autist anon needs to find the parameters of things it correctly identifies, then number of times major events fitting those parameters don't match any item on the clock before I'll take it as proof of Looking Glass or other predictive tech.
I'm like Mulder, I Want To Believe, but not there yet. Still observing. But enjoying the ride.