Georgia Guidestones bombed on George W. Bush's 76th birthday | Skull and Bones & the Monument
> I still think the precipice is nuclear war
Imagine the fake news reporting about nucular war and that you must not go outside except for working, and that you have to wear a cloth mask because of the radiation.
Scratch that, fake news saying literally don't go outside because radiation everywhere (but not at home). At home you should still wear a mask to protect yourself from radiation at home. But the protection of cloth masks works not as good outside, so you must not go outside!!!
And we will be happy outside.
Sponsors: a small group of Americans(*) who seek the ace?age? of reason.
Literally say "500 million people is enough", which implies we need to get rid of the rest. Not investigated at all, despite screaming literally terrorist and genocide. It's like having some manifesto, but this here was probably quite expensive on top of that.
"justice system"
I wonder what would happen if there was another one of these fake or real mass shooters and he had a manifesto exactly like these stones. Would they go muh terrorist or go muh that's totally normal?
Sponsors: a small group of Americans(*) who seek the ace?age? of reason.
2016: Can Trump send American citizens to Guantanamo Bay?
If President-elect Donald Trump decides to make good on his campaign pledge to "load up" the prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, with new domestic terror suspects caught in the US including American citizens legal experts say he is asking for an unprecedented constitutional showdown.
Voters first received a peek at Trump's stance on Guantanamo Bay back in 2015 when talking points on various policy questions were leaked ahead of a Republican debate. On the issue of whether he would close the detention facility, the memo stated: "No. I would also take away the passports of Americans who fight for ISIS and send them to Gitmo for some R&R."
On the campaign trail in February he railed against President Barack Obama's promise to close the facility – vowing to fill it up with additional detainees.
"This morning, I watched President Obama talking about Gitmo, right, Guantanamo Bay, which by the way, which by the way, we are keeping open. Which we are keeping open … and we're gonna load it up with some bad dudes, believe me, we're gonna load it up," Trump told the crowd.
Trump went a step further in August, telling The Miami Herald he would be "fine" trying US citizens suspected of terrorism in military commissions.
Tick Tock