Dope, Inc (1978)
I can't recommend this enough to everybody. Read it while we wait for the shitstorm on the 11th… It's a very well researched book that makes economic sense of the dark side of everything with good data. The problems we are processing now are not new. They have just been written over by the media so we don't see them, then wrapped up in conspiracy bullshit.
This book gives economic based reconciliation of all things "conspiratorial": Monarchy, Rothschilds, trafficking, drugs, Zionists, Secret Societies, China, etc. Hint: the CROWN is at the top of the pyramid.
-How the Monarchy/British Imperial forces controlled the Empire's territories via subversion, supporting opposition via divide and conquer, preventing industrialization, and DRUGS.
-DRUGS are the NUMBER ONE ECONOMY world-wide, larger than many nations' GDP! You don't see it, and it's not talked about by the ECONOMIST, but the numbers are well documented in the book.
-England has ALWAYS been the controller at the top of the pyramid for the DRUG trade, especially OPIUM/HEROIN.
-Two OPIUM wars run by the Brits against China were used to completely decimate the country, both north and south, making military control easy for the Brits. Also establishing the Imperial Monopoly on the world-wide drug trade through both the GOLDEN TRIANGLE, and the GOLDEN CRESCENT (middle east).
-The Chinese Triads/Secret Societies used to move the drugs into the country, eventually took control, and then CHINA became the largest PARTNER with the Brits in the DRUG TRADE….this is likely why the cabal is so heavy in CHINA now.
-How the American South/North divide over cotton and slavery was used to both socially undermine the USA for Britain's needs, but also to flood India with cheap cotton and textiles to prevent industrialization. Payments from India in the form of Opium, then flowed through to subvert China.
-Why HONG KONG , Taiwan, and MACAU exist solely for the drug trade and money laundering. Hong Kong has the most highly capitalized banks in the world by a huge margin, because they can't move the money around easily enough through legitimate chains. MACAU is basically money laundering 101 with the GOLD exchange.
-Why the British Virgin Islands exist "offshore" and away from US control/prosecution solely to launder money, running between many accounts until the numbers are untraceable. Utlimately converting into gold or diamonds which can be freely interchanged as totally unmarked items that can't be traced to complete the laundering process. Yeah, Epstein's there for a reason.