Fuck niggers. Nig-nogs have ruined everything beautiful.
I'm full-blown Aryan.
Shills and bots have been auto-posting this caterpillar to certain keywords. I wanted to attempt to trigger the shill programming. It worked. Shill revealed.
A classic shill behavior is compulsive responding. They always have to respond. It's part of their training. This glow shill can't help himself.
Now be a good cuck and respond, or give a let me win by staying silent. Either way, you just got alpha-maled.
Stays silent. Yeah, that's what I fuckin' thought. Know your place, cuck, whenever the alpha-male is around.
Told you guys. Shills can't help but respond. They're trained to get (You)s. This shill just exposed himself. Hold the line, anons. Q is real and the Storm is coming. They want us divided.
Another hallmark behavior of a shill, is low-effort memes. Such as the Mr. Pig shill and the Digital Storm shill. THIS shill puts #Epsteinclintlist on his shitty memes in an effort to trick newfags into thinking he's one of us.
We know what you are, faggot. You will NOT divide us.
Yet another example of a shill meme. Find random image and put #epsteinclintlist on it.
You need to learn when you've been alpha-maled.
Observe the shill IP-hopping in an attempt to create the illusion that he has support.
Just admit you've been alpha-maled.
Posts a gif of a literal actual j3w. Shill detected.
>not gonna get tiring anytime soon
The Israelis' English is improving but it's not quite there yet.
Posts a png of another j3w to signal his j3w friends. We know what you are. The day of the rope is coming.
Gematria is so fuckin' useless. Jesus Christ. You can cook the numbers to make it say whatever you want.
Fuckin' niggers. It's always the niggers.
You guys can't get mad at me for NOT saying Jew, then get mad at me FOR saying Jew. You just can't.
His superior officer is probably a woman, or a tranny, or a literal actual nignog.
Well, it was fun trolling you cucks. I got a lot of (you)s again. I always get (you)s. It's so easy here, since I'm baiting literal boomers. Gonna take a nap, then come back and troll some more.
See you cucks, later.