>Linda Rhondstat
the georgia guidestones rubble just flew over my house
imagine the smell.jpg
I don't think Queen Lizzy will die, she'll probably just hibernate, lose her skin and re-metamorphosis into a freshly birthed lizard
Lizzy III
She'll be hungry!
Boris will be replaced with a Muslim or Pajeet
you missed it?
Pajeet, for anons that are unfamiliar:
A slang / racial slur for a smelly dirty curry drinking hairy Indian that poos in the street
Pajeet, its time for your daily poo in the street, but first lets have some curry
yes, safe and effective, I asked Dr Fauci
It's ok anon, he's from Barcelona
London is the financial hub of the WW grift
lots of western politicians are shabbos goy unfortunately
do they really expect the npc normies to lap up these bs explanations for the vax deaths?
>npc normies will
Fapping is safe, but only if you have two Fap-Free days per week
>Do Not fap to this Scarjo image I posted
The US 60's hippie movement was started by the C_A
digits witnessed