Not only that, but:
Qresearch Bad, HiveMind with HotWheels am teh good.
The shills are fucking retarded.
Not only that, but:
Qresearch Bad, HiveMind with HotWheels am teh good.
The shills are fucking retarded.
You must be new here.
That's an old trick, especially when the posts are so wildly unrelated.
No one's falling for it.
You're an idiot.
Wow... you're really bad at this.
Real Q has deltas that apply to what Trump was saying.
Fake Q... does not... and is pushed by pedophile Fredrick Brennan.
It's pretty cut an dry.
DoesntknowwhatthefuckaPARABLEisanon… is that you?
Mornin' Mr. Jim!
That's effectively every single religion out there, and Judaism is nowhere near the oldest or even original.
I'd noticed there was already a new baker collecting notables… i didn't even see a call for handoff…
By your metric, I've had a fuckload of zero deltas over the years.
Have your Fake Q do a 0D that is explicitly related to Trump's next post.
Shouldn't be that hard, right?