nuh uh!
trust the plan, goyim!
gaytriots are in control!
what did the founding fathers mean by this, goys?!?
w w w w were the f f f f founding fathers rr r r r racist?!?!?!
sorry, goy, the perpetrator was black
he is innocent
the evil white kid will never be able to hurt the poor helpless black man with his racism ever again!!
good riddance to that evil white devil!!
all niggers need to die
lol what a bunch of cucks
the only sin that cannot be forgiven is miscegnation (race mixing)
>2 A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 23
"Bastard" means "mixed race" or "mongrel"
"marriage" im biblical terms is simply the act of having sex, therefore "sex before marriage" is impossible
look up what "telegony" means