Ask him about the Standard Hotel
>That was a reference to bypassing fake news filters, not a call to anons to look at shit they know is shill shit.
They'll claim the same next bread.
No Q did not say that and you fucking know it!
This is why you have to be a disingenuous muhjoo shill cunt.
Because NOTHING you say is backed up by facts. EVERYTHING you say say is a half-truth a distortion or an outright lie.
Here is the sauce you are misrepresenting.
So here's what gets me.
The shills have literally been posting the same meme shit and using the exact same arguing playbook for over 4 years.
Exactly the same.
Says a lot about their imagination and creativity.
You are (Select all that apply)
a) A paid shill
b) Ignorant
c) Misinformed
d) Mentally Disadvantaged
e) Bigoted
f) Stupid
g) Palestinian
h) Soros' butt bitch
i) Media Matters
j) All of the above