I posted about this last night.
A funny little coincidence that happened to me.
Figured i would share it with the morning anons, kek
Last December i made the Q Christmas tree. It had a large light up marquee Q. I by chance found the Q in the clerance area of a craft store for 6$ ( they only had a couple of letters)
Yesterday i was at a thrift store. One that has everything in large 8 ft long tub tables, rows of them. They have everything you can think of, toys, housewares, books, glass, tools, outdoor, etc, All mixed together.
So in one tub i found a metal marquee 7, then a few minutes later in another row i found a 1, kek, making it a 17.
I could not fucking believe it, kek
There were no other numbers, just the 17.
Imagine the odds, kek
And yes there is one broken bulb on the 7, that needs replacing ( in meantime 7 lights, kek)
And yes the Q has 16 lights. People went all autistic counting the lights last night, KEK