Yeah. I'm not used to conflicting reports. Usually it's just the facts the media gives us. Definitely is activating the almonds now.
Do we have a motive yet?
RIP in peace little guy. You lived a great life. Abe on mom's lap at 2 years old.
It was probably the Chinese. These wars never end. Abe's Grandfather occupied China and went to jail for war crimes.
Abe's grandfather was a Class A war criminal but you will see he was pro american so they let him off. Is this a white hat operation. Abe's family is very powerful and entrenched in the cabal.
Maybe it's a fake death and producer is done with him. Next scene
good point. Guess that's why they rebuilt gitmo. I stand corrected. Dig on Abe's family. They are more entrenched than any Clinton.
Amazing how quick this man is to sacrifice our son's and daughter's souls. Disgusting.
Abe and his family are deeply entrenched in Japan politics. Very very powerful family for over 100 years with incredible multi-generational wealth. I'm going to reserve my emotions at the moment and see how this plays out. This is a big hit either good guy or bad guy. Big changes coming from this one.