Why the Fuck did you waste fucking space dipshit?
Don't you know not to waste useless shit?
Yet you failed to provide any factual evidence 1 can verify independantly that what you say is factually correct. Only lies hey?
Why the Fuck did you waste fucking space dipshit?
Don't you know not to waste useless shit?
Yet you failed to provide any factual evidence 1 can verify independantly that what you say is factually correct. Only lies hey?
Stop it! Your dick is in your fucking mouth and you make no sense.
Remember - question everything on these boards as they are all LIES! 8ch does not care if you are a Patriot. You must stay silent, not ask for facts or questions, and just follow along in a brainwashed zombie state. If any Patriot ever asks any question, they RAPE you so Qresearch is self destructing upon itself.
Remember too - do not believe anything here as truth, as its all lies. But only read Q and Trump tweets and thats all you need to know. Let your mind think as you will. What they do here is "create" fake behind the scene's storylines to create drama, to cause discourse. This is not a Q friendly site. I love Q and Trump, but trying to expose these lowlifes liars on 8ch Qresearch.