My post history is exactly as I claimed above. Youve just chosen to look at a recent tiny little snapshot and disregard the rest of it to present a certain perception, just like you are trying to do to the baker above by making it seem like the ONLY people who supported him were shills.
Again I await BO's input here. I'm positive your a fucking clown at this point. Even the snapshot of my posts you selected there doesn't make someone a shill.
I have zero apoligies about posting about the jewish supremacy issue. I see jidf spamming threads I react with infographs and links, most of which are pulled out of the JQ thread.
You've shown every shill red flag in the book. You even tried to acquiesce with me briefly above saying "oh its good we are all here on this honest forum to discuss this with each other and figure it out" and then when I questioned you, you went right back to calling me a shill.
Apparently you define shill as anyone who questions your nonsense authority that should be revoked.
Again I await another mods response. If this is the way things run behind the scenes here (and I don't believe this is something BO would approve of) then I will happily leave of my own accord