Anonymous ID: 630dc1 March 31, 2019, 10:27 p.m. No.6000986   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It has come to attention that some country and city IPs are now banned.

This has been observed over the past few weeks since the NZ false flag.

I would like to suggest a global notable at this point, about these bans.

Banned IPs can access the Index and Catalog and Threads; however,

they cannot post to any of the boards, thus they cannot participate.


Moving forward, I would like to suggest we address this in 1 of 2 ways:

  1. Provide a free VPN link for use by patriots in blocked IP areas.

  2. Provide a acknowledgement of the issue and a suggestion.

(To use a VPN routed through the US or other open locale)


Free VPN ( is the most private and secure VPN available.

Click "Connect"

Choose OS




We are losing patriots to country-originated IP bans and this is unfortunate.

I believe we should at this point become our brothers' keepers and advise.


