Now let me pick this apart since you seriously have the audacity to continue this idiotic tantrum of yours.
>We dont know who you are.
I'm no one. Or anyone. A ghost.
>There is no we
Me and you, you fucking dickhead.
>Non starter, Q specifically asked for QRV, you think you know more than Q and that just shows how seriously you should not be taken. You are here to spread Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.
Frankly, that's an angle I hadn't considered. I guess I figured Q didn't care enough about Voat, or figured anons who venture to Voat could fend for themselves. My concern, which appears to be alluding you still, is that Putt's new mystery partner is someone that should be of concern. If BO or anyone else on the mod team thinks it's nothing to worry about, I'm on board. I have no issue falling in line on this, but you keep pulling us back to the same tedious argument and for whatever reason you just won't put your dick back in your pants.
>Not my problem.
True. I appreciate your input, regardless.
>Look up 'Total Informational Awareness' and then come back and tell me Q doesn't know everything. Q could order the calculation of the time your dick gets hard in the morning.
I think I covered this well enough.
>A bit of shade is not harassment. We also don't need whatever gay version of white knighting you're doing here.
Maybe we interpreted what BO said differently. If that's all that was going on, my bad. I just figured BO wouldn't needlessly expend ammo like that…
>Whatever 'this' is doesn't effect us. Unless you are going to continue with your assertion that Q is leading his supporters to a honeypot.
You're right. It doesn't effect anons here at the research board or 8chan in general. QRV was made to be the DMZ to keep morons away from the board so they wouldn't annoyingly muddy things. I've specifically kept that shit (or tired…) for precisely that reason. Too bad you won't let this go for no one knows why… Also, the assertion wasn't that Q would lead anyone to honey or something of that nature. The assertion was that, considering the changes being made to Voat, maybe we should keep an eye on things. BO agreed with me. I never hesitated to back down with BO. I'm sure he understood that.
>We participate anonymously just fine, you're the only reason I ever bothered to talk to Srayzie.
I agree with you. I was talking about unsuspecting retards that venture to GA. Which, frankly, isn't a problem since it keeps their retardation away from here. The problem is when they use shit like this to pit the likes of anons like myself against BVs or the BO… like exactly the thing that appears to be happening. You know that shit was burried until a week later when Srayzie went looking for things to "be angry" about?
>If true they have no power here, or on Voat. Reread
I agree. I'm not worried about that, though. I'm worried about them trying to split up the movement, which is apparently not that big of a deal to you and not that big of a deal to BO. I was fine with that. I dropped it. All I did here >>4689262 and here >>4689977 was agree we should drop it. But, I also closed by saying I'll keep quiet (which I have done so far) and let you observe for yourself. That second post was me pointing you towards what I saw as a development, the thing I suggested you observe, which you didn't have to respond to. I planned to drop that link and exit. But, you continued this…
>Kek, but Q doesn't know about Putt's new partner amirite?
Maybe he does. Maybe he doesn't care. Again, you made a good point with that one. Too bad you couldn't just ignore my "concernfagging", amirite?
>You are 5 months too late.
Shit, no one told me I was only allowed to do that five months ago.
>You are the one who alluded to Q leading his supporters to a honeypot, not me.
covered this already
>First posts made around the same time you showed up concernfagging to BO about Putt.
Not me. I did tell people to check this out, though. Want me to prove it?
>No no, these are you too. >>4689262 (You) >>4689977
Yep, that's where I said we should drop it. Good eye.
>You've been self admittedly concern fagging since you baited BO with the Putt Question.
That there's a strawman, fellas. I had no idea BO would say that. Even after I said he'd "helped me", he threw a link in the thread from that night saying something like "oh, you faggots want to talk shit about me? and then the link in the next line of his reply" I told BO that was me that made that post. BO responded that, yes, he knew and he was trying to get attention to my post. I never baited BO. I didn't ask him to comment about any voat user. You're putting words in my mouth. Fuck off with this shit.