Yeah wtf? is a BV seriously calling out the based baker for (((the triggering)))???
I was there the whole time. I’m sure some JQ posts were made by (((them))) too cus thats what they do… they infiltrate and subvert. They post stupjd jewish shit to sully the entire Jq debate and make anons look like shit…. but BV acting like it was all being done by shills is stupif af.
The mossad massacre wasnt fake and gay and the BV claiming it was is highly questionable.
I gotta be frank here, I feel bad for the baker thats getting hated on by the BV… thats fake and gay, IMO.
I understand that Q hasnt mentioned Israel for a reason and that reason is likely to avoid being called an antisemitic movement but fuck. This is bullshit and really makes me wonder if there’s a compromised BV.
WRWY based baker. Fuck this bullshit.