Your theory makes sense to me, Anon.
Perhaps we should call Johnny Depp to ask if he was ever infected with HIV by the cabal, in exchange for his wealth and fame. In a very recent photo, he looks like hell.
Your theory makes sense to me, Anon.
Perhaps we should call Johnny Depp to ask if he was ever infected with HIV by the cabal, in exchange for his wealth and fame. In a very recent photo, he looks like hell.
Didn't an anon on here post recently that discreet meetings were taking place up on a train in Canada?
Why not just pick a train or subway during a low-rider time, and meet on the train? Everyone gets on at a different location and you ride until you're done talking. Then depart separately. Don't be seen together, 'cause train stations have cameras.
I think that's his point, Anon. That Q wasn't around 10 months ago, but this stuff was in the works way before any of the "good news" (i.e., the stuff for our side) started to manifest.
I like this anon who posted about the mouse mask signifying that Kate Spade was a rat. We all have seen Andy Spade's creepy Instagram pics, and we all know what a perv Andy's brother – David Spade – is.
I bet Kate Spade knew an awful lot of horrifying stuff. Do you notice how her weight ballooned in later years? She had lines on her neck and a double-chin in the works. To me that says, "stress eating," or "side effects of psychotropic meds."
The lady was suffering. I hope she did not participate in the suffering of others. If Andy did, then for God's sake, I hope he is held accountable to the full extent under the law.
For all we know Andy could have done it to her, at the command of his cabal, and then donned the mouse mask to signify that he did the deed.
If anyone knows details then please post.
You're very welcome, Anon. One final piece of advice? Plan it in such a way that those of you who board the train actually step off of the train, at some point in the ride (either before you meet or after) so that you'll have an excuse for why you took the train in the first place.
In other words, if you are worried about being followed, or being seen on or near a train, then at least incorporate some plausible reason for your having been on that train. In a big city (like Denver, for example) there are light rail trains that lead to shopping centers. So get on at different points and each participant gets off (before or after the meeting) to do a little errand.
That puts an extra layer into the mix, so that you're not on the train SOLELY for the real reason that you are on the train.
P.S. If you are REALLY wanting to be careful I would leave your usual cell phones turned on, but at home. Don't take your phones with you at all. You're tracked all the time that way. So leave your phones at home, arrange your meet, and do it without your GPS tether attached.
Someone here oughta look into Hunter S. Thompson's LAWYER at the time of Thompson's alleged suicide.
Thompson's "lawyer" at the time of Thompson's death was a Boston lawyer named George Tobia (according to this old news story, which was archived one year ago: http://archive.is/KpWTN).
Problem is, Thompson was a resident of Colorado and Tobia, the lawyer, was not even licensed to practice law in Colorado. Tobia is a famewhore lawyer in Boston who is licensed in Massachusets and possibly (still) in California.
So anons, LET'S DIG. It's awfully weird that this famewhore lawyer was all over the Thompson suicide and was purportedly "representing" Thompson but did not even have a license to do so.
Here's a screen shot of the start of this 2005 Boston Globe article on Hunter S. Thompson and the strange lawyer who illegally represented him at the time of Thompson's death.
If you dig, you'll find more info online:
Their symbols will expose them, or lead to their downfall, or whatever it is ole Q said about their symbols.