How does someone predict a suicide?
You can't predict a suicide.
You can however predict when someone goes into WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM!!!!!
Take another look at Mr. Spade and why is he wearing a RAT MASK!!!
How does someone predict a suicide?
You can't predict a suicide.
You can however predict when someone goes into WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM!!!!!
Take another look at Mr. Spade and why is he wearing a RAT MASK!!!
ps. It's my wife that put this theory together.
She insists I give her credit.
Her name is Mrs. Anon
(Q is just fun for the whole family)
>>1667852 He's telling the world she was a RAT
Hence the 10 month break up!
What was Q saying 10 months ago?
This shit just didn't start this week folks. It's been brewing for a long ass time.
The good guys have had a plan in play for a long time. Trump didn't just up and all the sudden run for President.
This has all been getting set up for quite some time. Good guys exist too. And we know how to plan shit storms as well. We know how to be just as cunning and crafty and patient as the shitbags do if not more. Much more. Because we have discipline. We can say NO. We can stay SOBER, DILIGENT, and FAITHFUL. They can't.
September I think was FBIanon first post as I recall.
Before that were the random dude drops on 4chn.
But like I said, only a FOOL believes these plans were just hatched within the last year or two. Stings of this magnitude take years to set up. How long did it take to snag Capone? That's like catching a drunk nigger in a 7-11 with a gun compared to this scale of sting. This whole game has been in play for years by good guys. Trump or perhaps another candidate were part of good guys playbook or perhaps a few candidates. Bet on it.
Remember this guy?
CIA Assassin! LOL
Then they made a movie about him.
Contestants won stupid ass trips to East Germany and he would go along with them to kill targets.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Chuck Chuck C-A cuck
>>1668149 Did your radar pick up on the 4 inch platform shoes? WTF?
Bobbie got short man syndrome?
Look at the businesses of Jenkins!!! WTF
Especially the daycare
Sleep tonic
Whut the fook!
>>1667955 Sorry I thought it said "Hires" all 25 members. My bad.