And also,
6 o'clock can be dangerous..
Very, very odd.
He didn't even flinch with the first shot as all the others behind him did.
Then, barely turning, he's hit,
but no one else was hit,
not even with the first shot.
Looking staged.
Yes, it does.
An indication the Occupiers were caught by surprise,
with no front story prepared.
While Abe,
it seems,
was not.
It looked staged,
as if Abe had practiced the moment,
and was not surprised by the first shot.
Never flinched as all the others behind him did.
Distraction from Abe.
Which likely would have included Seattle FBI.
During Trump Admin,
head of Seattle office was installed by Wray.
The previous Seattle FBI head was Raymond P. Duda.
Link for Duda info regarding Seattle:
And nobody had his six……
It all sounds way off, for sure.
None of this is making any sense.
Not buying any of it.
Is it possible it was a White Hat op?
Meant White Hat to take Abe to safety due to a real Black Hat op to assassinate him.