The fact that we have camera footage and a bomb on the Georgia Guidestones and no GPS data though… Sounds a bit suspicious there… Almost like they didn't want us to know that the Hebrew/Arabic tablet was destroyed and subsequently the whole thing was taken down to cover everything up - I'd bet this was Cabal driven thru and thru
Wonder if the moon is the capstone that someone was talking about earlier - just like the whole Venus 5 pointed star and lucifer connection - Maybe the Moons trajectory is the "Arch" in "Royal Arch" and the moon is the Capstone?
Just thoughts
More legible but maybe like a 2 or 3 in a row (Or random) correct so the code is more difficult to implement for the bots
The lion is the Jew-filtered Bread
Faggot = Fascist - its a learning tool now grow some fucking skin nigger! (IGNORANT)
Because slaves are ignorant niggers. See, there is some sophistication for yah :)
>Whatch this place become a fucking strip mine for battery parts like Afghanistan
So you have to come over here to post this? You'r very anti-thetical to your cause