Anonymous ID: 1cb989 July 8, 2022, 3:29 p.m. No.16685337   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>16558775 dough

>>16558786 Jackson to take Supreme Court oath Thurs., minutes after Breyer retires - wapo

>>16558797, >>16558822, >>16558855, >>16558975, >>16559069, >>16559173, >>16559194, >>16559203, >>16559387, >>16559408, >>16559422, forces twats

>>16559033, >>16559281, >>16559297, >>16559377, Watch Falcon 9 launch SES-22 to a geosynchronous transfer orbit - twat spacex

>>16558834 'We Need Some Secret Sleepers': Dem Senate Candidate Calls Prison Inmates to Help Rig Election - rumble vid

>>16558837 Senator Joe Gruters bio -

>>16558862 A very strong Bill by great State Senator Doug Mastriano p.a endorsement - djt clone on gab.

>>16558907 R. Kelly Sentenced to 30 Years in Sex Trafficking Case -

>>16558924 Dr. Zev (Vladimir) Zelenko is in hospital, end stage cancer and is struggling as he wages his greatest battle - palexander substack (prayers sent) gws sir, hope you make it.

>>16558942 Philadelphia City of Brotherly Love has lost it's meaning - criminal law

>>16559018 Trump broke Rosie, she’s got nothing left in her rage tank.-twat and mp4 vid for the keks

>>16559042, >>16559052 Jewish series of Historical Archives of Secretariat of State published online - vaticannews

>>16559201 Carbon Monoxide Deaths? - cbs and msn news

>>16559213 trump rallys in alaska - schedule statement

>>16559432 david farnsworth az trump endorsement - djt statement

>>16559220 Republican Rep. James Comer says Joe's voicemail to Hunter is 'further proof Biden knew about his son's foreign wheeling and dealing' and says GOP will get Americans 'answers' if they take the majority in November - daily mail

>>16559247 Vietnam arrests minister, mayor over Covid scandal -

>>16559315 Warren Buffett wants his entire $96 billion fortune spent within 10 years of his death. Every kid on the planet might get a cut - yahoo

>>16559331 EXTREMELY HARD TO FIND CAUSE OF DEATH, THEY ARE HIDDING IT sarg capital police -no source

>>16559353 Gun used in ISIS #Bataclan attacks was sold by #CIA-linked Florida company Century Arms -

>>16559408 Ex-con lays out what awaits Ghislaine Maxwell behind bars: Scrubbing toilets, maggoty food and beatings from inmates - nyp (doubt it, probably next netflix series)

>>16559428 White House worried about ‘dangerous ramifications’ of abortion camps on federal lands -

>>16559447 #20951

Anonymous ID: 1cb989 July 8, 2022, 3:30 p.m. No.16685429   🗄️.is 🔗kun


shills flood the shill bread, because they know real anons will post in whichever bread has the more posts.

But I'm weary of bread wars. idgaf anymore until Q starts posting regularly.