Anonymous ID: af7ef7 July 8, 2022, 4:17 p.m. No.16688031   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Meta investigated Sheryl Sandberg for using corporate resources to plan wedding: report


Departing Meta executive Sheryl Sandberg announced her resignation from the tech giant during an ongoing probe into her alleged use of corporate resources to plan her wedding, according to a report Thursday.


Sandberg, 52, shocked the business world Wednesday with her decision to quit as Meta’s chief operating officer, saying she wanted to focus on her nuptials and future philanthropic efforts.


But the powerful executive also reportedly felt burned out after building Facebook into a global force and scrutiny of her every move — which includes a review by Meta into her upcoming wedding to marketing CEO Tom Bernthal.


Meta’s probe into whether Sandberg misappropriated company resources to plan the bash was still ongoing as of May, sources familiar with the matter told the Wall Street Journal.


The investigation comes after a separate inquiry into allegations that Sandberg pressured the Daily Mail to spike a critical story about her then-boyfriend, Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick.


A Meta representative pushed back on the notion that internal probes were factors in Sandberg’s reasons for walking away from the company.


“None of this has anything to do with her personal decision to leave,” said Caroline Nolan, a Meta spokeswoman.


Meta did not immediately return The Post’s request for further comment.


In a lengthy Facebook post explaining her decision, Sandberg noted her upcoming wedding to Bernthal and said she would formally leave her post as Meta’s COO in the fall.


“I am not entirely sure what the future will bring — I have learned no one ever is,” Sandberg said. “But I know it will include focusing more on my foundation and philanthropic work, which is more important to me than ever given how critical this moment is for women. And as Tom and I get married this summer, parenting our expanded family of five children.”


Sandberg’s personal and professional challenges occurred as Meta attempts to rebrand itself as a metaverse company following a series of scandals — including damning reports regarding the harmful effects that Instagram and other company-owned platforms have on the mental health of teenage girls.