AskJohn - Ask Q
Driver are aware of the builders of Tanks, Trains and Planes.
The Drivers are People like ewe and me.
Us, We … vs Them They
We, will win… they fired the first round.
God Wins
Be Humble
Know Direction …
We, Found Ours
W/O a Leader, the People Fail
Adopt and Overpass
Game The Gamers
We, who are people have the cells
they put us in like #Slios #Condos #arpartments ad homes with AI.
Think What not WHO and know you are all in this as are they.. The They-They are reel.
Cycles of Abuse are Reel
This is Gas City 1978, A Movie
Seen in Living Color #OnDemand
Watch IT and say, #ByeBlaine
To Go Scoot Along The Lake
Long Hot Summer
Attacked By Sea! #Sleepless
Where did the Pirates make Bath Tub Gin?
Mt St Helens #Bootlegger
WATCH #Timber
And check that RETURN ADDRESS on the Junk-mail… [Constant A CONtact was the means to sell you more #FiatMoney