AbsoluteConviction1776 ✝️🗽🇺🇸, [08.07.22 16:10]
[Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)]
👆👆👆'The enemy gets a vote."
Let me explain what that means.
It means for every action in a battle, until the fighting is over, the enemy is going to react to what your have done or are doing.
With "2000 Mules", True The Vote revealed how they gathered evidence to prove the 2020 election theft via the coordinated criminal racketeering in at least 5 states.
They gathered the evidence via geotracking when they purchased PRIVATE LOCATION DATA from companies that track people via apps on their cell phones.
"2000 Mules came out in early May.
It is now early July.
The enemy has had enough time to study what TTV did, and begin developing their countermeasures, both to continue the important coverup of the 2020 election crime and the future election crimes Democrats fully intend to commit.
Although Biden is couching this as a pretext to protect 'abortion access', this is also going to be used prevent the public disclosure or use of PRIVATE LOCATION DATA by TTV to prove things like election ballot racketeering.
Moves and countermoves.
We're in a war.