I wonder if POTUS is thinking of the Judge from FL that overturned the mask mandate, to handle the Election fraud, she certainly is brilliant, brave a sturdy judge, and she probably will step forward. Now review one of the last EO's Trump issued on January 18, 2021 below.
Read the Trump's comment on TS & Q post from earlier, in conjunction with POTUS's EO protecting Judges and law enforcement,
Donald J. Trump
Isn’t it amazing that despite proof of massive fraud, irregularities and, without question, the FACT that State Legislatures didn’t approve much of the many changes made to the Rules and Regulations of the 2020 Presidential Election (which is unquestionably and absolutely REQUIRED BY LAW!), the the Fake News Media, in a well coordinated unison like has never been seen before, calls it all THE BIG LIE. How wrong they are, andat some point a brilliant, brave, and sturdy JUDGE will step forward!!!
May 30, 2022, 05:08
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bd905b No.2925937 📁
Sep 7 2018 17:11:48 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 7918a2 No.2925844 📁
Sep 7 2018 17:06:52 (EST)
why isn't Page being targeted/locked up though?
What FISA is about to be DECLAS?
Public spotlight?
How can you prosecute someone and provide testimony to theJUDGEwhen you KNOW the TRUE EVIDENCE is about to come to LIGHT?
Digging a deeper hole re: testimony to the court?
Judges, Prosecutors, Law Enforcement And Their Families
Issued on: January 18, 2021
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Purpose. Under the Constitution and Federal law, ourGovernment vests in judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers the power to make decisions of enormous consequence. Because of the importance of their work, these public servants face unique risks to their safety and the safety of their families. Some who face or have received an adverse judicial decision have sought to intimidate or punish judges and prosecutors with threats of harm. Moreover, judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers are symbols within our communities of law and order and may be targeted for that reason alone. And at times, family members of public servants have become victims.
Judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers should not have to choose between public service and subjecting themselves and their families to danger. My Administration has no higher priorities than preserving the rule of law in our country and protecting the men and women who serve under its flag.
Accordingly,I am ordering enhanced protections for judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers. Federal law already allows Federal and State law enforcement officers to protect themselves by carrying a concealed firearm, but the Federal Government can do more to cut the red tape that Federal law enforcement officers must navigate to exercise their right. The current threat to Federal prosecutors also demands an expansion of their ability to carry a concealed firearm, as allowed under the Department of Justice’s existing authorities.
January 18, 2021.
Much of this order was supposed to be carried out by Bidan's AG, and other departments, I doubt it was done, based on the DOJ and FBI not protecting SC justices at home. But who knows they might have done something.