>square opening feature
That might be the front or short side of the 3-sided facade of 18 Albert Embankment. The shae of the building next door plus the treecover street level look like a match in these SV close-ups.
Based on 22-DEC-2013-T, yes. And that open sauce matches up well with 24London.
The pink v purple does complicate things somewhate, based on evidence gathered so far.
Crowne Plaza has a pink motif - then and today. But not much in the way of obvious lighting to project that colour so brightly. but they could have used floodlights at times.
Maybe Anons could scour the ground level for possible floodies? Got no night shots with Crowne illuminated in this way.
Riverbank Plaza (which is the building that Anon might have meant re Park Plaza) at 18 Albert has been pohographed as blue and as pink. So that akes purple a sort of in-between hue that might have been captured depending on conditions and camera settings.
Both buildings had very reflective facades. Gonna say, for now, that Riverbank is the most plusible. But in the end, not sure it matters. Both buildings underwent significatn changes after the winter of 2013/2014 such that this pink/ purple lighting in the Q pics provides a reinforcement of the NOT AFTER bookend.
OK. Through this we have a location. Now for the cranes.
>How many cranes are we trying to place?
Scrutinizing the Q pic is one thing. That must be done. Doing the same with 22-DEC-2013-T must also be done.
That said,, we have signs of cranes in open sauces in places that would have been within the camera frames of each of the EMB pics. In that series of Q pics we could produce both a count and map of locations/positons.