Anon, I went to the ‘long’ original vid you mention and it has a posted(?) date of 23NOV2013.
Am left puzzled why you labeled your ‘short’ version of the original as 6DEC2013-P. Can you explain how you came up with the December date?
My current understanding, based on the original vid being from 23NOV2013-P is that we have a single red crane behind LONDON EYE on 23NOV2013.
Followed by the pic 14DEC2014-T
which shows 2 cranes behind LE.
The others following that are linked to the 4 Getty pics (not showing the 2 crane lights behind LE) which were taken in sequence on Christmas Day and having a MILLBANK building lights match with LISAMI6 and also 24LONDON (which pic has 2 red crane lights behind LE).
ROT1 has 2 red lights in the same location as the lights seen in 24LONDON and ALSO has a blurred but compelling MILLBANK lights match with LISA, LONDON 2847 24LONDON and all 4 of the 25DEC2013-T Getty series.
This leads me to surmise we had
1 crane behind LONDON EYE on or before 23NOV2013. We got 2 red crane lights by 14DEC2013 which lights were still seen by CHRISTMAS DAY in the EMB pics.