Anonymous ID: 938b77 July 23, 2022, 1:14 a.m. No.16786891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6927 >>9864 >>2704 >>1363 >>2334


>I'm going to wonder off for a bit a sob quietly in a corner

You’re doing a great job. Let’s look at those blue lights. They seem like they are roof lights lining the roof lines of two separate roofs with different shapes. Perhaps two sister buildings with the same lighting scheme? If we run a line from the center of the South Bank carousel…

Anonymous ID: 938b77 July 23, 2022, 1:57 a.m. No.16786927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2704 >>2809 >>2334 >>6365



See how the blue roof lights on the right building have a curve and how the blue roof lights on the left are a straight roof line? See pic

Still have the urbanest in line. The cranes are either between those two hotels with blue roofline lights or at urbanest.


As for the white light in middle of LE possibly being white cab light of a crane with red crane light hidden? I’m game. Sure. Let’s tear it up. It would probly mean a third crane as it looks too far away from the other two cranes to be an operator’s cab for either of those.

Will just say this: It could be the Moon because that’s where it rises, in the East. But so what, right? I think we are all open to reconsidering the ‘’moon’. Unrelated to that but just a reminder- the 24LONDON pic which does show the 2 red crane lights behind LE also matches the MILLBANK building light pattern for LISA on CHRISTMAS DAY +/- 1. So we now have 2 sauces showing 2 red crane lights, one of them also a compelling match for MILLBANK as seen in LISA.

Anonymous ID: 938b77 July 23, 2022, 10:25 a.m. No.16788621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8698 >>1363


Anon, in your previous hard work in researching work near ‘urbanest’, was there a time when you saw only one crane and a later time when there might have been two cranes in that area? I recall you spending some time looking at that construction.

Anonymous ID: 938b77 July 23, 2022, 10:40 a.m. No.16788698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1506 >>6461


Of course this won’t win us our prize but knowing exactly when 1 crane became 2 could be an easy piece to place based on anon’s previous work looking around the urbanest area construction. A piece which we would be remiss to place especially if it was easily done. Anon may already have the sauce which might date the placement of the 2nd crane as earlier than 14DEC. Does that help us get closer to dating the EMB pics? Well, not closer but with a great deal more of certainty for a ‘not before’ date-for the EMB Traf_cam pics at least.

I was surprised we did not do more counting of cranes toward the South as well. I think you anons had done a good job with this dig but had left it too soon.

Anonymous ID: 938b77 July 24, 2022, 4:41 a.m. No.16794292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4337 >>4433 >>7681 >>7755 >>2336 >>6461


Anon, I went to the ‘long’ original vid you mention and it has a posted(?) date of 23NOV2013.

Am left puzzled why you labeled your ‘short’ version of the original as 6DEC2013-P. Can you explain how you came up with the December date?


My current understanding, based on the original vid being from 23NOV2013-P is that we have a single red crane behind LONDON EYE on 23NOV2013.

Followed by the pic 14DEC2014-T

which shows 2 cranes behind LE.

The others following that are linked to the 4 Getty pics (not showing the 2 crane lights behind LE) which were taken in sequence on Christmas Day and having a MILLBANK building lights match with LISAMI6 and also 24LONDON (which pic has 2 red crane lights behind LE).

ROT1 has 2 red lights in the same location as the lights seen in 24LONDON and ALSO has a blurred but compelling MILLBANK lights match with LISA, LONDON 2847 24LONDON and all 4 of the 25DEC2013-T Getty series.


This leads me to surmise we had

1 crane behind LONDON EYE on or before 23NOV2013. We got 2 red crane lights by 14DEC2013 which lights were still seen by CHRISTMAS DAY in the EMB pics.

Anonymous ID: 938b77 July 24, 2022, 5:02 a.m. No.16794368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4466 >>4558


I also saw what may put to rest, mebbe not, the theory (albeit a gud one as I was saying to myself, why didn’t I think if it) of one light behind another. Take another look at the 23NOV2013 vid. I see one crane behind and to the left of the carousel. Looks like a single red crane light.

Anonymous ID: 938b77 July 24, 2022, 5:40 a.m. No.16794545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4656 >>4683 >>5353 >>7700 >>6461


>And as for the bight white object in the sky behind LE near its hub? Can an alternative to the moon be ruled-out based on the pictorial evidence alone or must that rely on reasonable conjecture alone?


I have to say I won’t rule out. I have kept silent on it, but not because I cling to it. I just have nothing to add to the conversation yea or nay. Am keeping an open mind.

I will just say only atm that that 14DEC2013-T pic is the best sauce we have of that area behind LE. Re-look at the 23NOV vid. I honestly got completely turned around in watching the South Bank Christmas village sequence.

I would think I was looking to landward only to notice the riverbank lights behind the stalls.

Having said that, what do you think of these pics? Is that LE behind the stall? If so, where is that white light from?

Anonymous ID: 938b77 July 24, 2022, 6:10 a.m. No.16794656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4718 >>4833


Although- I can’t see any white light in this view of LE from the same vid 23NOV2013-P.

Honestly? A white light from a crane operator’s cabin seems too far away from the 2 suspected cranes in ROT1. If it was a cabin light in ROT1 I honestly think it would have to be from a THIRD crane. Which crane would have to appear, IMHO, after the 14DEC2013-T pic.

Anonymous ID: 938b77 July 24, 2022, 6:47 a.m. No.16794799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4853


>So maybe that white light was the moon in just the right position in the sky and it marks a narrow time interval. Or it was some other object that likewise was a short-lived on-off that just happened to be present for the Q pic.

Frankly, it wouldn’t bother me one bit as I feel imho we have enuf to place LISA and the Getty 25DEC pics on the same day. Well, +/- 1 day from Christmas Day.

As for me, it was the wheely bins that made LISA the outlier. I still think they are all within 1 or two days or on the same day with the EMB bins probly out out after, if on the same day. If not on the same day then +/- 1 day of each other.

Because of the fair MILLBANK light matches.

Nao we must reason if we think a crane operator’s cabin could be seen on a day +/- 1 from Christmas but be missed in all the other very near in time sauces, both day and night.

Anonymous ID: 938b77 July 24, 2022, 9:46 a.m. No.16795681   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>However, if that was so, then it would likely have been so in ROT_1 had that Q pic been taken at around the same time as Setterield 25-DEC-2013-T.


Anon, you appear to be making a very important deduction here. Howevers, this anon is beat atm. Need to get some rest. Keeping odd hours lately. Hold that thought. Am very interested in this.

Anonymous ID: 938b77 July 25, 2022, 1:34 a.m. No.16799960   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Affirmative. The two identical vids have the same run time but first is posted 23NOV2013. Second one is a repost. As I recall, VidAnon said the date of a vid cannot be manipulated but is only set by the date it was posted. So generally, all vids should be deemed ‘posted’ and we need not bother with the ‘P’ designation.

As for the RU reposting of the vid, I was thinking the same as anon. Can’t see a reason for them to mislead in this matter anyway. Hence the ‘hmm’. I do recall the false flag planting of RU lang in comp code to throw people off in those hacker ops though.

They might be moar inclined to leave breadcrumbs in open sauce. Like tourist pics n vids.

Anonymous ID: 938b77 July 25, 2022, 2:34 a.m. No.16800117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1416 >>7335


The 14DEC2013 vid has a nice confirm of the 2 red crane lights near ‘urbanest’ around same time as the Kemp (Getty) pic on 14DEC2013-T.

The 2 red cranes in the 14DEC vid match the location for the single red crane light in the vid posted 23NOV2013.

See a comparison of caps from the 2 vids looking left of and behind the carousel on South Bank.

Anonymous ID: 938b77 July 25, 2022, 3 a.m. No.16801416   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pictorial evidence that matches Q EMB pics seems narrowing to about 12 days from 14DEC to 26DEC. I understand that we could yet find a 2nd urbanest crane before 14DEC, but just saying where the pic evidence is.


Very nice work you guys, UKBaker and Vidanon, have done on this dig.

Anonymous ID: 938b77 July 25, 2022, 2:41 p.m. No.16810359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1129 >>7335 >>6365


I think St. Thomas is just a tad bit right of the target. Observe the bearing to twin red lights cuts through LE on lower left of the wheel. The bearing to the white light is just a little left of being in line with the leftmost chimney structure on the front of the Marriott -County Hall but is also lined up with the middle of the wheel of LE. See caps.