>It's not notable because fag hivemind posts are to be ignored
Yea, that's not how Qresearch works you dumb jew
>1 ptbid
>your employer
The only thing that sucks is how terrible your gaslighting is. No one believes you. No one.
Cry? Real anons laugh at you niggers.
You could have just said "these people are stupid." but I like you use of the english language.
>Does HM even have any people posting over there? Who would follow the babysitter?
The best is when they 1 pbtid a response to no one to try to subconsciously influence lurkers. Once you notice it, it becomes retardly obvious.
Kek, the funniest shit is how annoyed he gets when anons ignore him.
>please, please pay attention to me!
Seriously, biggest sign that they are only here to disrupt and cause division.
You've never noticed it before, if you ignore her she starts flipping her shit and spamming.
Kek, yea I caught that too. Full retard.
>literally the dumbest anon on this board.
Sad to watch these retards flail