Will this ultimate test of "The Land Covemant" vs "The treaties of The Church" ever be decided?
The Jews lost their lands when Rome conquered them. It says so in the Bible. They've taken their path all round the globe to get their lands in Judah back which is occupied by the Cathlolic backed Muslims…the Philistines.
The Old Testament is the story by the Jews point of view, that Judah was theirs because YHWH says so. The New Testament is the story of the Jews building the Death Star on Earth to rule the earth, come Hell or High water because their "God" made them a promise but it was a lie. If the The Creator of the Universe is can talk to everyone, "It" could've just told everyone, undeniably, that Judah was for the Jews, and saved a shit ton of wars over the issue. It didn't ever grant one group of humans some "Heavenly Right of Land titles." It's preposterous. Mother would tell you to learn to share, even if Father enjoys watching the fights between the children." Choose peace.