peter pedo pecked a pack of pedo pics
how many packs did pedo papap peck?
peter pedo pecked a pack of pedo pics
how many packs did pedo papap peck?
how many peters did pedo Peter Peck?
no wonder why JOe acts so confused lateley.
He thought his name was Pedo Peter or Papa Pedo,…he forgot his name was Joe
Whatever you do today, do not trend or look at #4chan and #PedoPeter.
Joe Biden now starring as PETER HENDERSON in the movie;, PANIC IN DC
See new Tweets
Stop. Have a moment.
Imagine if it was revealed that Donald Trump used the pseudonim "Peter Henderson" among his family, close friends and allies.
Peter Henderson was a KGB mole who infiltrated the US Government.
Because that's what Joe calls himself, the media say NOTHING.
3:17 PM · Jul 10, 2022·
Apparently Brandon is no longer the best term to use. Instead, it appears we should be using Peter Henderson aka #pedopete
12:40 PM · Jul 10, 2022·
2022 OUT 'Lets go Brandon"
2022 in 'Lets go Peter!'
Jill and Joe Biden killed her… it was planned.
>Today my Dad passed away.
>Kinda numb. We hadn’t talked in over 10 years. He had his second wife, always took her side… and we ( his kids) had her mean and nasty side. Always. It led to big fights, the last one being 10+ years ago. His siblings have written us kids off-haven’t spoken to us either. Stepmother has totally trashed us to them.
>Now I’m in a predicament : do I travel from FL to NY for the memorial? ( and be gigged for showing up where I’m obviously not wanted?) or stay home and pray for him from here ( and be giggedfor not showing up?) I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t.
>If I go, it’s for my closure.
>If I don’t go, they’ll hate me forever. ( I can live with that.) But can I live with myself for not going? I was raised better than that.
>What to do?
sympathies and prayers to you anon;.
May God give you peace.
But, i believe you already answered your question.
you were raised better than that.,,,,GO!!
>jill likes lemons this week too