He got elected for mayor and after that he got appointed. That’s as far as that boy will get. Even dems know he’s worthless.
Not on social media, but I have a feeling this would drastically lower the numbers of real users.
You can claim to be whatever you want now.
I sort of remember this, she was awarded a bunch of money but then it was mostly taken away. She had terrible burns that she was hospitalized for. Not saying she was right,but sometimes restaurants can be jerks too. Doesn’t McDonald’s make hamburgers with human meat?
That’s exactly who I was thinking of, not to mention all the big hairy men walking into women’s restrooms and watching everyone.Especially at Disneyworld.
I consider people like Weinstein and Bill Cosby being taken out winning. All the huge big time resignations for the past four years or more, winning. Pedo ring arrests, winning…..
It’s a good start
Is that you Bill?
Don’t believe you. They are all in bed together. He’s an ass and lucky to not still be in jail.