100% Lost count of the amount of churches i've seen with israeli flags inside. Brainwashed boomer cucks.
And i just saw this story at 7:11pm (uk time)
Obviously don't post any pictures.
It's enough to describe them, we don't need to be looking at CP images ffs
There are 1 trillion pieces of evidence that don't involve CP, maybe use some of them.
>Are we just supposed to sweep the CP under the rug like it didn't happen? What about the CP victims?
Obviously not, we can shout about it and tell people, but we don't prove it by posting CP images, nor would any sane 'normie' want you to show them it.
Posting questionable images here will get the place shut down. There are no normies here anyway, so if you want to post the images to twatter or FB then carry TF on, just don't post them here.
Grab some popcorn and stfu
We all know the deepstate are cunts, but they ain't retarded, they've been doing this shit our whole lives. You think bidens shitshow is the best they can manage? Nothing other than a movie designed to wake up the sheeple could have a presidential team and policy as utterly retarded as biden. They know full well that the hunter shit would/could come out, wtf would they have picked someone so compromised as their candidate?
Biden is playing his part and reading the script, it;s part of a movie/plan called 'The great awakening' and the plan is in tippy top shape.
Legitmate enough answer for you?
Hooker or procurer of children?