Down goes the whole diseased temple
Coded death threat.
>whatever happened to letting anons discern for themselves?
Why are you not letting anons discern anon posts for themselves?
And here come the fake news attacks because MBS purged SA of 'The House of Saud' allied with Trump, and rebuffed Biden.
The clowns are literally retarded.
You sound like you want to control people away from religion.
Right, because you're trying to experience some semblance of what it might be like to BE God.
So, you spew logic designed to replace God, with you.
Instead of people being controlled by God, you want to control people.
>especially what they fed you all your life
What I was 'fed to all my life' in the 'mainstream' was atheistic communism and arrogant psychos trying to become Gods by killing the innocent.
Shills always get triggered when RRN is called out as fake news.
Marxism in its most pure form