>keep paying taxes
>keep watching their television
>keep buying their products
of things that can change right now
Reduce Taxable footprint
use TV for DVD's or monitor for your own video editing preview.
go hard and really analyze where you buy your shit, star mitigating it asap. Not everything will be fixable in one go. (I'm stuck with Nancy PElosi's fucking FIJI bottles. but I re-fill em so don't buy often. there's many things as heart attack survivor I easily boycott in the food areas. So most eating out is already off my menu. forget they are BLM or whatever that's just a SECOND reason. BLM is it's own trans nattional terrorist problem lots of companies to boycott there and EASY to see them)
But. Try finding that list with two million ccp embedded/tainted businesses.
two million ccp embedded in business in America