and don't forget tomorrow! It's Taco Tuesday!
Come over to muh shanty
in the middle with you?
How kek worthy is it that I sold the CO place to …(drum roll please) a weed farmer! True story. Just unloaded it <2 weeks ago.
That alone makes anon happy happy happy.
Does this mean Hunter was running whores for, gulp. the Government?
Bush didn't want to anger his puppet masters?
Nobody dared anger the puppet masters & then POTUS came along and moved the Embassy when all of the others campaigned on doing exactly that and lacked the balls to do it.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
Abe's party now has a super Majority. Do they hope/plan to profit off a newly militarized Japan?
>He asked what was I going to by with all that money
The correct answer: Nunya fukin business, trot your happy ass back there and get my money.
Do NOT make your subsequent withdrawals in the same exact amounts, this will also draw a flag.
Not saying more about that. Remember, you can't take large amounts of coin out of the land but jewelry, no problem.
I'm starting to really grasp buried hoards. Like the fall of Rome, Cordoba etc.
According to court records, Brassner owned $500,000 in vintage guitars, $200,000 in vintage watches including a $100,000 Philippe Patek and several Rolex’s, a signed Jimi Hendrix record, the original screenplay of Blade Runner worth $40,000, a vintage Louis Vuitton steamer trunk, tens of thousands of dollars worth of art glass and more.
His art art collection included a $400,000 Robert Nidan sculpture, the near-million-dollar Warhol portrait, a David Burliuk oil painting worth $200,000, and a Jack Kerouac Portrait of William S Burroughs valued at $30,000.
In total, Brassner owned more than $1.3 million in art and collectibles, most of which was in his Trump Tower apartment, records show.
“Sad News, a good friend of ours is no longer with us. I met Tod thru Buddy Miles and had many adventures together…” posted Larry Blumenstein.
Other friends shared posts including one who ” Grew up with Todd in Harrison. He will be missed by all of his friends.”
And another who had known Brassner for decades. “Knowing Todd since the early seventies, I was shocked to hear of this. My condolences to his mom & brother. Have fun with Steven up there and RIP Todd.”
Brassner had a number of Facebook pages though he lamented in a few posts that he’d had to re-create pages that were lost.
His latest post was on Match 28 of a guitar; he’d been collecting guitars and had posted numerous pictures and said he himself played.
“…I started playing in ‘62 at eleven years old,” he wrote adding his hobby of collecting was “not just a passion, it’s a disease,” saying many of the instruments were vintage and museum-worthy.
Brassner, an Andy Warhol Friend, Was an Art Dealer & Collector
Brassner, Who Filed for Bankruptcy in 2015, Could Not Sell His Trump Tower Apartment, Owned $1 Million in Art & Collectibles
Brassner Posted on Social Media and Friends Posted Tributes and Condolences on his Facebook Pages
A Friend Claimed Trump Called Brassner a ‘Crazy Jew’ in 1996
–not worth the effort to copypasta
Was this another tranny?
They 100% did not want Trump & tried to fly Article 9. Ted got on the floor and said "Vote your conscience. Trump got saddled with Pence and everybody was united in hating Hillbags guts.
[They] didn't decide shit - except Pence, that was decided. Remember "Chase is on the Case"
This deserves to be poasted at least once a night. Side of beef. Makes anon kek every single time.
They report the death of Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger
Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus, allegedly died at the age of 95, as reported by the president of the German Bishops’ Conference, Georg Bätzing, in a message posted on his alleged Twitter account, BischofBatzing.
At the moment the Vatican has not confirmed this information, and the aforementioned Twitter account has been deleted, so the news should be taken with a pinch of salt.
Since August 2020, German media have claimed that Pope Benedict XVI was seriously ill, after having gone to Germany to visit his brother.
In fact, shortly after Benedict’s arrival, his brother passed away. According to the media, the religious figure returned from the trip with a facial disease called Erispela Facial, a condition with symptoms like swelling, skin turning red, and generating a lot of itching and pain.
Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger assumed the papacy on April 19, 2005, shortly after the death of John Paul II, and his resignation from office occurred on February 28, 2013.
Who was Benedict XVI?
Joseph Ratzinger was born in Marktl am Inn, Germany, on April 16, 1927, into a farming family and spent his adolescence in Traunstein, a small town near the Austrian border, about 18 miles from Salzburg.
He was sent to World War II in the auxiliary anti-aircraft services.
Ratzinger was accused of covering up “sexual abuse”
It is worth mentioning that several media outlets pointed him out for “covering up sexual abuse against minors” when he was archbishop.
Chaplain Peter H. was transferred in 1980 from the bishopric of Essen to that of Munich-Freising after having abused several minors; Upon learning of the accusations, his superiors, including Joseph Ratzinger, did not clarify them but instead asked him to attend psychological therapy.
The then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, in his capacity as Archbishop of Munich-Freising, was aware that the chaplain had committed abuses, but still approved his transfer and did not report the case to the Vatican, as his obligation would have been, according to an extrajudicial decree. of the Ecclesiastical Court of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising from 2016.
Also read:
Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI “covered up sexual abuse against minors” when he was archbishop, according to the media
Bishop who left the church in Barcelona to marry a writer of erotic and satanic novels will work extracting semen from pigs
After the transfer, approved by Ratzinger, the priest continued with the abuses, for which he was sentenced in 1986 to 18 months in prison, a fact that led the ecclesiastical officials to transfer him again, this time to Garching, in the south of Germany.
Developing note. Check back soon for more information.
Related Posts:
Benedict XVI apologizes for abuses during his mandate, denies having committed any personal crime
Complaint for pederasty in Germany points to Benedict XVI
Pope emeritus Benedict XVI “covered up sexual abuse against minors” when he was archbishop, according to media
Benedict XVI apologizes for cases of sexual abuse in Germany and errors under his mandate
Sauce: (rumor) https://www.americanpost.news/they-report-the-death-of-benedict-xvi-the-pope-emeritus/
only poasted because last night- Black smoke- No Pope, coincidences mount.
Done and done
Born on August 18, 1936, in Santa Monica, California, to Charles Robert Redford, an accountant forStandard Oil