Udders and ugly shorts, what more could anon ask for in no jizz July?
What a great cash crop. From seed to harvest in just 6 weeks.
Fuck, if I were baker, I would remove at least 90% of 'em, especially with Doge and tranime and gerbil bloatables.
>Nobody has any money everyone is in debt just trying to live.
Anon hasn't had a bank account since 2007. Not everyone is debt. Stop with the projection.
>Not everyone is*indebt
Enough with the sarchasm.
Wise anons are wise and know that banks are legalised gangsters who create money from nothing and charge you for the privilege.
However, anon acknowledges that every day becomes more difficult to function in this society without a bank account as it has been designed to be, but using credit, or money you don't have doesn't have to be a solution.
Anon has simple tastes and only purchases that which anon needs and can afford.
No mortgage, no credit purchases, nothing which anon cannot afford to pay for at the time of purchase. Simple logic and judicious purchasing.
Let's not forget muh noetaker anon who adds everything including the kitchen sink.
Snow in the first FIFA world cup in 1930? What the actual fuck?
How the fuck is that shit relevant to Q research in 2022?
Uruguay and the south of South America is fucking cold. Snow happens.
Last winter was particularly cold and had record snowfalls in Brazil; should we notable this shit as well?
And fuck Al Gorefag.
Call me a newfag, but is it ok to to selfnom a post?
>Notetakers help baker
Not gonna happen from this anon after last notetaker bun was ignored and replaced by a bv bloatables bun.
>red textnotable
Shills gonna shill, anon and anon has seen way too much hm faggotry and shills reeing lately to even bother with that shit.
Have you considered educating yourself and getting a better paying job?
Worked for this anon.
Even if it meant suffering 4 years of indocrinating university where anon learnt to say what was expected to be said in exams, but still decrying the indoctrination during the lectures.
>Candy ass
Yeah, because anon should waste anon's time doing due diligence only to have a bv come in and sperg a bun full of shit instead.
Fuck, if snow in Uruguay in 1930 is notable, I got a whole basement full of that shit.
>Bali foot and mouth outbreak ?
Like the fake one n the Uk 20 or so years ago that devastated rural communities?
Too many examples to cite recently to list them all, Bruce, but anons know, even if normies continue to suck at msm's teat and fail to notice.
Hell, bees aren't important and play no part in modern agriculture, amirite, Bruce?
Funny, she doesn't look like a typical viking child.
>No pics of victim yet, chatter about it being on clearnet.
So why the pic of a negro child in the post?
> as seemingly anon would prefer dat
It has been thus from the start and sauce included as well.
Shit, anon is old enough to remember when bakers apologised for including a past notable in current bun and duly deleted it when it was pointed out.
>is biden acting too or is that really dementia
You seriously believe anyone can be that retarded and still be accepted in politics and the public domain?
Shirley, you cannot be serious.
Part of the woke era of Dr Who.
Fuck even the next Doctor is gonna be black, but at least it won't be a cripple black lesbian. They already had that one as a companion.
You are a protégé of trananimefag; nuff said and no apology could ever suffice.
>Still looking for possible pics of vicitim on clearnet
Child victims should never be identified publicly.
>but he is actually a cool guy,
No he fucking isn't.
He thinks chopping his dick off is a great life choice.
>don't think he went that far
No, not yet, but live topless baking and dick pics?
Even Anjel didn't go that far!
Anon is gonna guess that is Manchester where 18 year old girls wear belts instead of skirts and sleeveless tops when it's sub zero in the north of blighty, right?
>he said the dick made it moar fun
Depends upon which side of the fence you sit.
Not for this anon on this side.
Wow! trips confirm a legit notable bun.
Can we get this shit trending?
More than 750 notables in a bun = not a legit notable bun?
Even this one?