Here, does this help?
Also is anyone here working the Biden Laptop / Backup drop? 4chan banned thousand or so of us. We were catching on and the fuckers want us focused on the photos and Hunter's dick. I can't alert the Downloarders where the hot sauce is (documents).
Is there a dedicated space? aim me in the right direction, please. Thanks.
/pol/ is being kept focused on photosand they're mixing up the Buccini girls (which is probably good because I think some of the vids/images already posted are the youngest onealthough I'm not sure how old she was when it happened. He railed all three of them I think. The marco polo email site–you will find a LOT of emails between Chris and Rob Buccini and the Hunter business group. Most social but some appear to be business/introduction related.
I repeatnothing-NO HOT SAUCE from the backup has ever been posted. It's all pics.
HOLY FUCK that captcha, any hints/tips?