Attack the poster refuse to comment on the data in the post, clumsy formatting or not.
KEK (((UKRAINE))) aka greater Israel.
Retard, address the fucking PHOTOS that literally prove that THING is not fucking Joe Biden.
FBI cleaned the drive. Maxey is hire to be SURE it's clean. Kiwi puts it all together. Gets death threats. You do NOT fucking get it. IT IS NOT THE KIDDIE FUCKING it is the fucking documents in the APP called FILES. Now, why tf would the FBI wipe that shit? ALL the certificates were still active on the INTERCEPTED GOV DOCUMENTS. One of which I posted (that was leaked by Chink who did not leak much else document related for the obvious reasons…Good old "Rudy" helping tards keep their focus on the pedo shit and Hunter's Dick.
Q forgot to mention the documents from the GOV. FBI didn't "accidentally" delete anything. They needed the narrative to stay focused on Hunter and the drug/kidding shit and so that is where you fuckers let it stay focused.
WHY DID YOUR LORD AND MASTER aka Q AI the director neglect to mention the rest? The emails are interesting re Rosemount Senca's Ukraine activity. MAN the glowniggers went BATSHIT on 4chan over the MINING stuff.
Based on what I wrote, your "reply" is bullshit.
Of course it's real. I don't know whybut I decided to check out the bike crash. The ONLY news outlet that has that 1.5 secondsand that's the one I clicked on. Their entire video was running tripletime. Even slowing it to 0.25 was not slow enough. I had to DL and do a frame by frame because they OPENED their news report with a clip that included those 1.5 seconds and even at tripletime the screen lagged a tenth of a second on that last frame. WTF I say? I see what I see..so I start working to take screen shots. I physically got ill.
IT IS what tf it is. SO I post it on /pol/ and immediately got glownigger swarmed. So I taunt them "you didn't know did you?" That made them madder. No, they didn't know. I asked–gosh how unkind of the first lady not to come back to check on her crashed "husband". KEK…
What I WANT to believe is that it's all a ruse. What my gut told me- made me fucking sick to my stomach. I jumped up–started pacing. Went back and checked ALL the videos. NO OTHER video had that 1.5 seconds, and ALL of them, had giant captions over the bottom. THE HT video only put giant captions on after that initial few seconds.
It is what it is, but WTF is it?
The truth isthe reason ALL of this is coming out? It is TIME FOR JOE TO GO. That was always the plan. That's why Tucker suddenly discovered Ashley's diary and the kiddie sniffing. I cannot fucking believe project Veritas anymorebecause they flat out lied re the diary.
WHY was pol allowed to post kiwi/maxey shit unhindered UNTIL I FUCKING POSTED the reason whyit is time for "Joe" to go. Whatever the fuck is "ruling over us" it is nothing good. After /pol/ started getting suspicious that the only stuff being posted was OLD SHIT, the DL was incompetent, and KIWI refused to say a single thing re the documents in the APP called FILE5chan cracked down on ALL of us and BANNED us. Now the only people left are glowniggers pushing Hunter's dick, drugs, and kiddie speculation.
The chances we will ever see what's in that APP FILE are slim to none. How about that fucking TRUTH TELLERS? The sauce is in that file. Maxey was trying to suppress it not expose it. FBI needed to be sure it was gone. It wasn't.
And I post the directions on which folder exactly to extract to find the real sauce? And the glowniggers attack. You know how to tell a glownigger and Jew? They attack YOU versus discuss the contents of the post.
Whatever tf that was on the bikeno one was supposed to notice. I've know that's not REAL JOE Biden for ages. I also KNOW that Trump has used body doubles for FUCKING RALLIES. His sheep are soflocked they didn't even fucking notice. I post about him using doubles and some glownigger asks me
>what could we do better so it's not noticeable.
For me? NOTHING. For the sheep? (some noticed a different energy or rather lack of) loose the ballcap, put on a fucking tie. But you can't do thatthe ears brothe ears. So the next rallies were trump.
FUCK their games. Liars are what liars are. Define a good lie?
The Andenchrome LARP is running cover for their good health and longevity. KEK and you tards believe them.
KEK this one fucking TELLS you from his own mouth that he is "other than human" and people still can't believe it because they've been programmed their entire lives to think "fiction means fiction" rather than "there is truth in fiction".