>>11634497 pb
Anon bets it has CERN's black hole in its crotch where balls used to be
Drill Sargeants must have been fed vallium, xanax, and hotboxed with indica plus fed edibles to make sure they weren't too rough on the fragile ones.
Could have sworn she was an alien. There's just no kinda beauty like that here. Takes after her MIL in that respect.
A fren shared her illuminati recruitment DM she was sent. They want her because she is very attractive.
Which is why audible blessing of food and water will nullify poisons and erase impurities from them. Always say grace.
You can make harmonics by doing all the things to make your body make sounds all at once. This is key to understanding part of our true powers
Feels just like after anon would shake the Etch-a-sketch.
No alluvial fan
>remote viewing
Fun when you tell women the tatoos they have in private places, or the colors of their undergarments. It's rewarding to locate money on the ground with homieless. There are many other functions than gloworm duties or poltergeisting.
>heart attacks and deadly killing remote power
Falls under the glownigger uses. Not really fun. Sometimes poltergeisting can cause a target to have a heart attack and die.
Gifting items/money to targets that 'find' them and blowing normies away are uses that anon finds uplifting. Shielding from bullets is also possible and can be seen as fun.
Can thugness be dispelled? One key word and they have manners, show respect, and apply diction and proper grammar?