Khazar stuff is bulllshit, the jews killed Jesus 1000 years before that
the football is fake too
the nuke hoax was cooked up by Manhattan project jews there are no nuclear bombs. the football is only real because plebs think it has a nuclear bomb.
Gary's not a retard, he doesn't believe in nuclear bombs
it is sad for the casualties, they just werent nuked, just like the jews werent gassed
>Any informative links or YouTard channels you could lend me a name for so that I can catch up on the info?
I recommend searching bitchute for stuff like this
aids is fake and gay is just something people get fooled into
>jew does nuclear hoax
there are no nukes, in any country
other public figures unable to tell the truth or the jews will destroy them
desantis gets permission from the jews because they want to take down Trump, than DeSantis says obvious thing and everyone thinks he's amazing
like how?
because it's true
find one thing DeSantis has said that you didn't know already
he tells teachers to stop cutting childrens penis off and everyone is amazed
it's an extremely low bar