How old is anon?
DVR? that "modern" sh!t.
Could have said CD, or VHS or BETA or
man these youngangs dunna know much :-)
How old is anon?
DVR? that "modern" sh!t.
Could have said CD, or VHS or BETA or
man these youngangs dunna know much :-)
I got asked by younganon staff member once..
"Why do they call them records, if they don't?"
maybe not if… said people were "chipped" ?
these are good, but VERY old.
Got any new ones that nons don't have?
Preaching to converted here.
Plug 'em on socials for better marketing.
>phones, tvs, cars, computers, fitbits, everything is super smart already.
Yea but..
phone not in anons name
sim not in anons name
no smart TV (& not connected to net)
old diesel truck
no fit bit
no email in own name - ever
no social media
I suspect many "anons" have not thought about "anon" enough, so you are correct.
I started in '79 so had a "head up" on where "big brother" was heading.
but, not to late to get 'anon' if one wants.
just "disconnect" real from vertual, & NEVER cross those beams.
So, SA pays rubles/gold to russia for oil, at a world current price, instead of pumping own (which would / must be a cheaper option)?
so what we are seeing is the shift of money from SA (for a product they don't need) to russia?