speak for yourself faggot. Who cares what people call her as long as there is a nice tight rope around her neck for her crimes.
you can fuck on out of here with your demoralization shit and put a gun in your mouth pull the trigger and blow your faggot brains all over the screen, just make sure you record it so we can all have a good laugh as you die like the nigger you are.
DIE IN FIRE LMAO. come on faggot you know you are a dead man. Just kill yourself now to spare yourself the trial and your execution where you cry like a bitch and everyone laughs at your right before you die. At least die at home alone with some honor. Come on you know you can do it. Real easy . Kill yourself faggot.
well i tried to help you, not my problem you are too much a fucking nigger to know suicide is your only option. DO you really want your family hurt because of your choices? Come on just kill yourself make it easier for you. I really just want to help and you dying will do that.
awww look how you struggle. You could just end it and there would be no struggle anymore, no more pain for you. Come on escape now while it is easy faggot. Your life has no meaning and ending it just saves everyone some time. Do one nice thing, end it now, just be polite kill yourself and we can all be done with this.
see this is how i know you deserve to die, and doing yourself is just the really only option. Because if you don't well, then that is where things get interesting. Guess you should just end it like a coward unless you are brave and want to see what awaits you. But not my problem just giving you some options and know that if at any time you want to rethink your decision into killing yourself, well you can always just do it. Have you ever though of throwing your self off the highest building that might be fun for you?
just going to say that is some damn fine font work, seriously
stein has some power with the ladies. You just know she liked it. Plus he loves cats so that will endear him to the females more. I think he has like 5 of them or something
that is horrible. I know they have done things with cows where they have a hole like that to check on things for some reason i saw it once on a nature documentary. But to deny it from eating and just shoving shit in with a tube is just fucking cruel.
this is new to me. Yesterday they said cardiac, still technically true if your heart stops but to be found at the bottom of the stairs is way too hollywood for my taste. They say natural causes which is what will help mask the mass die offs of the olds who took it.
how does that make any fucking sense. Not that it is supposed to but damn. It is like Germany buying Russian oil but still wanting the US to have Nato to protect their asses. But this is some nigger tier bullshit.
i wish i knew how to music because this needs to be looped into a track and made a beat.