>Personally, I have an issue with the concept of a all-powerful supreme creator that is self-aware and able to communicate with us.
Most edumucated people would agree.
However, I think that if you look back into the history of almost any culture on earth, you will find that their forbears took it for granted that some such communications were possible.
This includes Western Civilization.
(And all or most of the others…)
In Homer, it is taken for granted that some have the ability to "read the signs".
They might get it wrong, for sure.
And the powerful can reject the reading or distort it.
Most of Christian history subsequently built in the idea that God can somehow "speak" to us somewhat directly.
This idea has had various incarnations.
I admit that it does seem odd to someone "educated" in the doctrines of the past century, but I think most people born more than a few centuries ago would not have found it odd at all.
Did "science" debunk this idea?