The Western Society System Are Too Robot Style, Thus Give Less Room For Personal Evolution
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The living environment are playing a key role in personal development and evolution. Here I am talking about eternal spirit level.
The Western society system are too robot where government are take care of too much that beyond necessary.
Example: people need to pay high amount of tax and the GOV provide too many benefits to their citizenship.
Or the whole society are rely on big company, big business in general.
How can a big fast food company can “win” against the small business in term or “market” and even price?
That is so so wrong.
If you looking at the some “poor” nations, the small family business style is always win against those big company at least in term of “price” and variety.
The drawback of that robot style society system is people have less room for creative, less room to think to evolve.
The back-bond of a healthy balance society must be the people and small business family running style, cannot be the big cooperation.
The current western society are only good for high advance level people both in term of financial matter or personal evolution.
But in term of personal evolution, then if you do not come from other nations, then the opportunity are very thin.
The only evolution method for people living in the West in general is exchange/buying knowledge wisdom of life from the master, but in this category they are fail badly !
In the future?
Not a chance unless the true master completely in charge and the society orders be rebuild from scratch. The current people in the GOV both in the public and in the shadow are too stupid.
Not only in the Western, the Eastern countries also heading to the similar wrong direction like that too.
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