>Biden administration may allow Russia to buy Iran's
trips chekked
ZULU82 says GO ARMY!
What you are watching is tantamount to a dick swinging contest. And right now the US is in an open phase of demonstratining to the masses that they are in control. Leadership should, and would, be very important under ordinary circumstances. However leadership appears, in this instance, to be of no importance whatsoever. Therefore we are being lied to.
About Q. Anon has known a few people in life who would rather sit on the curb and read horoscopes than actually stand up and do anything. Almost as though they would rather have somewhere to place the blame in lieu of taking responsibility. You get what you pay for.
TORCH34 back home at Barksdale from Edwards.
it ain't over
If they had told me back in guppy school that I would be schooling an entire class of Americans in the course study of being American in a foreign language (devolved english) then I would told them that they were crazy. They were, and are, so am I.
I could easily slip into the state of being one of those wall of text assholes. But anon understands human nature, inconvenience, and hatred.
Tell a fat mama joke.